
is for sale, rent or lease !



Domain redirect: 5.5K Euro per month (all traffic will be permanently redirected to your domain)

Rent: 7.5K Euro per month (full permanent domain access for your business, incl. mail server. Minimum rental time 2 years)

Lease: 15K Euro per month (full ownership transfer after 14 years)

Lease: 30K Euro per month (full ownership transfer after 7 years)

Buy: 2.5M Euro



Full banner on this page (900 x 100 px, top of the page): 1K Euro per month

Half banner on this page (450 x 100 px, top of the page): 600 Euro per month

Small banner on this page (250 x 50 px, bottom of the page): 300 Euro per month


Secure this premium domain for your business


Contact the owner on LinkedIn

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